What are Drugs?

Any molecule that, when consumed, alters the physiology or psychology of an organism qualifies as a drug. Usually, foods and other substances that help nutrition are segregated from drugs. Drugs can be ingested, inhaled, injected, smoked, absorbed via the skin using a patch, suppository, or dissolved under the tongue.

In pharmacy, a drug is a compound, usually one with a well-known structure, that, when given to a living thing, has a biological impact. A pharmaceutical drug is a chemical compound that is utilized to heal, treat, protect, or diagnose an illness, as well as to improve wellbeing. It is also known as a medication or medicine. In the past, medications were extracted from medicinal herbs, but more recently, they were also created organically. For chronic illnesses, pharmaceutical medications may be administered occasionally or on a constant schedule.

Drugs by Category

Drugs can be grouped according to how they influence our bodies:

  • Depressants: Reduce the central nervous system’s performance
  • Hallucinogens – alter your perception of the world by altering how you see, listen, taste, smell, or feel.
  • Stimulants hasten the central nervous system’s operation.

Some medications have several effects on the body and can be classified under several headings. Cannabis, for instance, can be found in all three groups.

  • Depressants

Although depressants slow down brain-to-body communication, they may not always result in depressive symptoms. Slower messaging have an impact on:

  • Your capacity to pay attention to what is going on around you, your coordination and focus.
  • Depressants in low doses can help you feel calm, relaxed, and less inhibited which is mostly used by addicts to have some fun in a party environment with hot young sexy girls or with private escorts to enjoy the sexual experience in a more intimidating way.
  • Larger doses might result in drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, coma, and even death.

Examples comprise:

Alcohol, cannabis, benzodiazepines (such as Valium), GHB (gamma-hydroxybutyrate), ketamine, and opioids (heroin, morphine, codeine).

  • Hallucinogens

Your perception of reality is altered by hallucinogens, which can cause hallucinations. Your senses are warped, and you experience things differently in terms of what you hear, flavor, smell, and feel. For instance, you might perceive or hear stuff that isn’t actually there, or you might experience strange thoughts or emotions.

  • Small amounts can make you feel lightheaded, numb, confused, disoriented, or floating.
  • Hallucinations, memory loss, agitation, anxiety, accelerated heartbeat, paranoia, panic, and violence may all be brought on by higher doses.

You can hear many pron actresses telling stories of being in this kind of state with different drugs after getting into very depression and anxiety or escorts who having bad experiences they will tell you the story of what they feel after having a drug long time and they just came back out of these kind of hallucinations by drugs.

Examples comprise:

Cannabis \ketamine

Psilocybin, LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), and PCP (phencyclidine).

  • Stimulants

The communication between both the mind and the human body is sped up by stimulants. This may lead to:

  • causes heart to beat more quickly
  • a rise in blood pressure and body temperature that can cause overheating or even heat stroke, as well as decreased appetite, irritability, and sleepiness.
  • You might have increased alertness, confidence, or energy.

Anxiety, panic, convulsions, stomach pains, and paranoia can all be brought on by higher doses.

Examples comprise:

Nicotine, caffeine, cocaine, ecstasy (MDMA, methylenedioxymethamphetamine), and amphetamines (speed and ice) (tobacco).

Drugs Policies in Germany

Compared to many other EU nations, Germany is thought to have a more permissive drug policy, but it is still tougher than the Netherlands. States have different policies.

The Federal Constitutional Court decided in 1994 that drug addiction and having a small amount of narcotics on hand for personal use did not constitute offenses. In 2000, supervised injection rooms were made possible by a reform to the drug law (Betäubungsmittelgesetz).

In order to compare the effects of morphine treatment on addicts to methadone-assisted treatment, a pilot project was launched in seven German towns in 2002. The study’s encouraging findings led to the inclusion of heroin-assisted treatment in the federally mandated health insurance program in 2009.

More than 23,000 kilos (51,000 lb.) of narcotics, worth millions of euros, were intercepted in February 2021 by officials in Germany and Belgium from deliveries that began in Paraguay and Panama. Authorities from Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands nabbed a man from Vlaardingen in a global operation that netted the most cocaine in Europe.

The Cannabis Laws

Germany reinstated the use of medical marijuana in 2017. Although actual regulation to this consequence has not yet been filed, the new German federal administration stated in their labor manifesto that they plan to legalize cannabis for all reasons (including recreational use).

Possession and consumption are permitted beginning at age 18

Beer, wine, and sparkling wine are permitted beginning at age 16

All other types of alcohol that are available to purchase in supermarkets are permitted beginning at the age of 18, unless otherwise recommended by a doctor as a treatment.

Possession: everything you have available to you for yourself.

Consumption: any drug usage, whether through eating, drinking, smoking, snoring, or using syringes.

Acquisition and Sale purchase at the store starting at the age of 18 (for instance, cigarettes, cigars, chewing and snuff tobacco, tobacco, and shisha tobacco)

Beer, wine, and sparkling wine are permitted beginning at age 16

The legal drinking age for all other types of alcohol available in supermarkets is 18 years.

Attainable, reachable, and achievable

Purchase: to obtain materials in exchange for a service or financial gain.

Giving chemicals to others in exchange for a service or payment is known as selling.