Untermenzing is a residential neighborhood that is primarily residential. It is also one of the most popular areas in Munich due to its many green spaces. The district to the northwest of Munich, with its Angelohe or Beersiedlung, is worth a walk. What more can you learn about Untermenzing You can learn more about Untermenzing here.
Perhaps life on the river is more important to Untermenzing residents than it is to those who live on Isar. The Wurm and the green strip surrounding it in Untermenzing have something unique and rustic. Walking here you forget you’re still in a large city. Instead, imagine yourself in the country. Perhaps that is why the scenic course of the river is so popular. It is worth the effort to get there by bicycle or foot.
Eversbuschstrasse, which runs alongside the Wurm River, is not only one the most beautiful streets of the district. You will also find many single-family homes and old farms here. Some of their gardens even reach the river. The Angerlohsiedlung is a beautiful residential area that borders the Angerlohe Nature Reserve. This is a great place to escape the city hustle and bustle and it is also why Untermenzing is such a popular residential area. The Beersiedlung, south of the Angerlohe is also worth mentioning. It still bears the signature Korbinian Beer, the famous Untermenzinger contractor. Bas-reliefs with fairytale motifs are still present in some of the homes.As a Russian escort agency who specialize in providing the best Russian escorts in Munich
On a walk through Untermenzing you can discover some beautiful monuments and buildings: In Pfarrer-Grimm-Strasse there is a war memorial that was erected in 1924 according to designs by Alois Aufleger. At the entrance of the new cemetery in Untermenzing, on Behringstrasse, you can admire a statue of St. John the Baptist. This neo-baroque piece of art dates back to around 1900. A very attractive building is the so-called Inselmuhle, located in Von-Kahr-Strasse. The Eversbuschstrasse 35 building is an ornamental brick structure that housed the Untermenzinger fire brigade.